woensdag 11 november 2009

Baby bib...

Y'all have inspired me to go baby bib crafting..
good thing a baby actually was born this week in our midst ;-)
it gave me a good excuse.

So here it is my first attempt:

for the front I used one of the fabrics sent to me by Pink Stiches. It's such a lovely soft white-with-pink-stars fabric. I sewed the letters on using the same fabric to create a bit of a dimensions effect. It worked well, but I don't know if you can tell by the picture. The back is a brown and pink polkadot cotton.

I'm quite pleased, but I'm secretly hoping that it will actually fit and all. as I don't have any babies around, there's no way for me to check if the neck is big enough ;-)

let's hope so ...

next project is on it's way... I'm so excited about this one.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Mooie bavet! Dat past trouwens altijd. De bavetten van Kleine Pruts passen zelfs nog rond de nek van Grote Pruts. Die letters in dezelfde stof waardoor je reliƫf krijgt, vind ik heel mooi zo. Keurige letters trouwens.

  2. Hi - lovely little bib, glad to see the fabric has been useful.
    Lovin the MB video as well, and you were soooo close! Lucky you!

  3. Eigenlijk wel heel knap gedaan! Jaloers op wat jij al kan... :-)
